We use DPD, DHL or Bpost when shipping to international customers. The delivery time is from 2 - 6 days depending on which country you are ordering from. After the delivery is picked up you will get a tracking number so you can see where your package is.

International customers outside the EU (European Union), please note that in some cases you might be subjected to customs, import taxes or brokerage fee when ordering from us , please check with your local customs office for your local rules and regulations.

You can also choose "Pick-up" in the Antwerp store. We will pack your goods and you can simply come to the store in Antwerp and pick it up when you can. The order will be in the store for 2 weeks and after that we send it instead. Don't forget a photo-ID when you pick it up.


These are the different freight costs and depends from country. You will get the right information upon checkout. In case your country is not shown, please contact us via mail.

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